Results to Date

Monday, February 26, 2007


Sorry I haven't posted anything lately.

The past two weeks have been an absolute bear! I had auditors in the office and I was starting my workdays a 6:00 am and finishing at 9:00 pm. I've done a whole bunch of rides where I watched the sun come up and set while I was on the road. That sure beats watching the sun rise and set from my office.

Last 3 weeks of intense training have started. 3 hour runs and 7 hour rides are as long as it gets with 2:30 rides, 1:20 runs and 2 hour swims during the week.

After that a rest week and I'm 3 weeks out from the race. I have no idea what the training will be like for those weeks.

I keep wanting to write a lot of personal stuff but I just keep running out of time. I'll try and get to that tonight.