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Friday, March 06, 2009

Take the Vicodin early, take the Vicodin often

For the past 5 weeks or so I've been fighting a real bad cold. Seems like I've been getting sick this time of year for the past few years.

Anyway, I finally went to the doctor and after a Z-pack and some steroids I seemed to be getting better.

Then Monday the 2nd I woke up with a sore foot. The foot got worse Tuesday and Wednesday it really hurt so I went to see the Podiatrist. Turns out I had a bad infection. The sliced open my toes to clean it out and wrapped it up.

I've never taken Vicodin before. Wednesday as the anesthetic wore off during the night the pain woke me up so I took one. Not bad. Better than a few Advil. Last night same thing but I ended up taking two.

Today I went in for a follow up visit. The infection has gotten worse, not better so the doc switched my antibiotic. She re-opened the foot and cleaned it out again. Katie's worried that it is MRSA. I'm hoping for the best.