In one sense I feel more prepared for this race than for any other. I think like with anything you just get more confident (cocky) as you get more experience.
On the other, I do have a certain sense of dread regarding the bike. I think the swim will go well, a little faster than usual and my run should really be something special. It's just that I haven't had the time on the weekends to get the long rides in. I did one or two centuries over the summer and I have countless 75 and 80 mile rides but the last time I went 112 miles was 12 months ago. The strategy here is just hold back forever. Maybe on the last downhill open it up but that's it. I'm saving it all for the run Sunday. Hopefully my body won't disappoint.
I can't find a jersey I want to wear. I was thinking a white tri top with something personal screened on it but I really can't find a jersey. I'm going to try a triathlon store tomorrow but I'm not buying one just to blow money.
Tomorrow is my 42nd birthday. I actually thought I was 42 already. Going to try and go for a super early 1000 meter swim and then grab my free slam at Denny's with Ken and Matt. I'm speaking at Openworks in the afternoon. Saturday I do an easy 20 minute run, drop off my bike and get ready.
I'm ready.