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Friday, March 12, 2010

When did I get sooooo lazy?

3 years ago while training for my first IM I used to bounce out of bed at 4:45 and I'd be out running by 5:00 am.  There were days in the begining that I ran 6 miles and then rode to work and then swam 1,000 yards.  This was all before work!

I've always felt that the secret to my training been that I could run pretty much before the day started.  Even a long run on Sunday could start at 5:00 am and I'd be home by 8:00.  Weekday rides were pretty much to and from work which only adds 1/2 hour or so to my commute time going home and I was always able to swim at lunch.  Ideally the only time I ever have to take away from family is Saturday mornings and as we get closer to the race a little of the afternoon.  I can still then show up on race day in prime condition.  I know an accountant who trains about as much as me but he never sees his family and they hate him for it.

Anyway, the point of this is that I have noticed that since November it has been increasingly more difficult to motivate myself to get out of the house in the morning.  I have a treadmill upstairs but it's tough to run on it early or late because it wakes the kids up sometimes.  This morning I did manage to get to the gym and get a great swim in.  I ran on the treadmill Wednesday night and as soon as I started my first interval I felt a lot of shin pain so I figured I'd lay off running for a week.

I've been a real bum on the bike lately.  I have no excuse for that.