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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Treadmill running

I got home last night and Katie wasn't home.  She went to the Nutcracker with Paige and Ken.  I decided to get a run it and I decided to do it on the treadmill.  Yesterday's workout was 15 min warmup, 4 x 100 yd sprints with 1 minute breaks between followed by 4 x 7 min level 5 intervals with 3 minute recoveries and a 7 minute cool down.
The TV in the office/workout room doesn't have the sattellite hooked up to it.  I looked around and there was nothing good on DVD in the house.  I grabbed my computer to watch The International, which I ripped to the hard drive but my speakers and headphones aren't working.

I grabbed my phone, a Google Eris and I was going to go out and run when I realized that I had a television application on it.  Pretty cool.  The run took about 67 minutes and I watched an entire vintage episode of Star Trek. 
Pretty sweet phone.  Great run.